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Agri Deptt launches awareness campaign for Farmers

Agri Deptt launches awareness campaign for Farmers

Deputy Commissioner flagged off the publicity vans
Bathinda, 29 June ( Jasmeet Chahal )
Agriculture and Farmer welfare Department Bathinda has launched an awareness campaign for farmers to provide them thorough knowledge to control of any suspected attack of locust. Deputy Commissioner Sri B Srinivasan, IAS flagged off the publicity vehicle from district head quarter today. These will sensitize the famers about all those measure which are to be adopted in case of any attack of locust on crops in district. DC directed the official for better coordination among the different department to control locust in emergency in a stipulated time.
On this occasion Chief Agriculture Officer Mr. Bahadur Singh Sidhu said that special arrangements have been made by the department for the prevention of locust swarm. He said that to control this, the farmers have 1442 gun spray pumps while 32 sprayers available with Horticulture Department and 50 boom sprayers with UPL company. In addition, the Local Government Department has 9 fire brigade vehicles and 4 aeroblasts (401 model aeroblast spray pumps) and 2320 liters of chloropyrifos 20% EC and 200 liters deltamethrin 2.8% EC available with the Agriculture Department.
He also informed that 9 fire brigades, 35 search lights, 1500 flood lights and water tankers have been set up by the department in coordination with the concerned departments on different locations in the district. 44 teams have also been specially formed to deal with this task. He said that locust infestation was continuously coming from January, in some villages of Fazilka district, Rajasthan and Haryana.